Secular Humanist Worldview If God is dead, then everything is justifiable. - Dostoevsky A state that values nothing tolerates everything. Indifference is not a virtue.
Comparative Issue |
Christian Worldview Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. |
Rights and freedoms founded upon principles developed as needed (living tree) that recognize the intellectual wisdom of a secular humanist Charter constituting a secular humanist state.
Constitution |
Rights and freedoms founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the wisdom of a theistic Charter constituting a God fearing state.
Indifference to the adaptation of gender, anatomy and sexuality. There is no differentiating “rightful” purpose behind male and female. |
Humankind |
God designed (intended) humans to be male or female, anatomically matched to their opposite sex for heterosexual relationship and procreation.
Indifference to varieties of union - gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, polygamist. Indifference to the duration and fidelity of a union. Marriage is fundamentally not about procreation.
Marriage |
Lifelong monogamy. The union of one man and one woman for the implicit purpose of procreation. |
Indifference to divorce.
Marriage should be a lifelong union. God hates divorce. |
Indifference to family variation and experimentation. Asserts that children do not need both a mother and a father, two parents of the same gender are just fine.
Family |
Building block of society. Biblical model - parenting of children by biological mother and father. |
Indifference to method of creation - genetic engineering and anonymous sperm/egg donation. Single women, lesbian or gay couples have an equal right to reproductive technologies. Indifference to single motherhood or no motherhood - gay parenting.
Babies |
Product of heterosexual union. Genetic biology (connection) brings parenting responsibilities. Child is entitled to know his/her biological heritage. |
State sponsored daycare with short maternity leave is societal model.
Childhood Development |
Nuclear family with extended maternity leave is the societal model. |
Indifference to “free sex.” Focus on condom code with abortion as backup.
Teen Pregnancy |
Focus on abstinence. Sexual activity should only occur inside marriage. Abortion must be a life saving requirement. |
Indifference to the quantity of babies aborted. |
Abortion |
Life is a gift from God. Every embryo has value and purpose in God’s eyes (Psalm 139:13-16).
Indifference to the ecology of AIDS - focus on state responsibility to find a technological fix to this sexually transmitted disease.
STDs and AIDS Deaths |
Focus on ecological consequence of inappropriate sexual behavior and finding cures. Sexual activity should only occur inside heterosexual marriage. |